19 Dangerous Scam Phone Numbers and Area Codes To Avoid

19 Dangerous Scam Phone Numbers and Area Codes To Avoid

By Joshua Rodriguez

Area Codes To Avoid  About Scam Numbers  Common Phone Scams

Scams are becoming more and more prevalent. They’re so common that experts have coined the term “scam economy.” Unfortunately, it’s easy to change a phone number, and scammers often do so to avoid getting caught. The good news is that scams operate in many known area codes, so you can avoid being the next victim simply by watching for known scam phone numbers.

Wouldn’t it be great to have a list of scam phone numbers handy to avoid them altogether? Keep reading to learn more.

19 Area Codes for Common Scam Phone Numbers

More than 300 area codes exist in the United States alone. The good news is that if a scammer is calling, often it will show up under common area codes. Here are 19 area codes you should never answer if you don’t know who’s on the other end.

List of Scam Phone Number Area Codes

216: Cleveland, Ohio

218: Northern Minnesota

232: Sierra Leone

268: Antigua and Barbuda

284: British Virgin Islands

332: New York City

347: New York City

469: Dallas, Texas

473: Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique

649: Turks and Caicos Islands

646: Manhattan

657: La Palma, California

664: Montserrat

712: Western Iowa

767: Commonwealth of Dominica

809: Dominican Republic

829: Dominican Republic

849: Dominican Republic

876: Jamaica

What Is a Scam Phone Number or Area Code?

Scam phone numbers and area codes typically involve calls you receive from numbers you don’t recognize. Often there is no customer service you can contact or law enforcement you can involve for these calls obfuscated by distance or sheer volume. Changing a phone number is easy, so it’s challenging to catch every scam phone number out there.

However, if you get a call from a phone number or area code you don’t know, it’s likely best to avoid picking up the call and research the following before you call back:



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