Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 10-29-23

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Sunday Evening 10-29-23

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"The Testnet successfully upgraded Wednesday, September 20 at 1500 UTC to release candidate versions of Stellar Core and Horizon. Mainnet validators will likely schedule an upgrade vote date for 6 weeks after stable releases come out, and as soon as that happens, we will update this doc to include it."

The testing period for Protocol 20 is still in progress per this article from the Stellar Network. As they said, they will update it after the vote and testing period is complete.

Many companies around the world have already signed smart contracts with each other to work together. This will create a shift inside a tokenized asset market due to preferences on which companies and networks have signed over their allegiance.

Many companies will begin selling their stocks to join new tokenized asset sector stocks they have new smart contracts with going forward. It will cause fluctuations in the market for a while until contracts begin to get settled and proceed.

Once the markets and the banks are synchronized, we will begin to see movement forward with new correlated assets filling in new price patterns. These new price patterns will affect every sector of the market going forward. This includes the foreign currency market on Forex.

© Goldilocks


Brazil Central Bank to Roll Over Currency Swaps Expiring in January

US News Link


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Archax Aims to Roll Out Regulated Exchange for Tokenized Assets 

Tokenhell Link


Brazil Central Bank to Roll Over Currency Swaps Expiring in January
US News Link


 Global stocks have lost another $1.5tn in market cap this week on still-elevated US 10y yields and on not good enough earnings results. All stocks are now worth $98.2tn, less than global GDP. This means that the Buffett Indicator is once again below the critical level of 100.


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News, Rumors and Opinions Monday AM 10-30-2023


We're All In This Together by Dr. Dinar (From Recaps Archives)