The “Real” Advantage Of Being Wealthy

The “Real” Advantage Of Being Wealthy

 By Mr. Tako

There’s a myth being propagated about the wealthy (mostly by movies, social media, and television) and it goes a little something like this:

When you become wealthy you can buy whatever you want, and you won’t need to work anymore.  Life is one big vacation — filled with trips to the Bahamas, fancy sports cars, mansions, luxury hotels, and nice restaurants.

Maybe you’ve seen or heard this myth before.  It’s pretty common.  The emphasis is on the spending. Those mental images about being wealthy are what I call wealth porn.  It’s the plastic-fantastic version of wealth made to look sexy and appealing.  It’s also mostly fake.  As the Millionaire Next Door teaches us, the vast majority of millionaires actually live pretty humble lifestyles.  They live pretty much like everyone else.

But that’s not to say there aren’t advantages to being wealthy.  There are A LOT of advantages to being wealthy.  The problem is, those advantages don’t get talked about very often.  Instead, the media simply  propagates the wealth porn version.

If that’s the version of wealth you’re hot and horny for — Well, there’s the Rich Kids Of Instagram for that.

As a millionaire myself, I already know how useless a flashy lifestyle is.  I’m more interested in the advantages that wealth brings.

 The “How You Earn” Advantage

When you’re poor, trading your time for money is the normal way to get by.  It’s how most folks afford food, shelter, healthcare, and all the necessities of life.  This is considered a perfectly acceptable way to live.  If you’re not careful however, you could end-up trading too much of your precious time.  You might even die at your desk.

Don’t trade too much of your time for money.  You could die at your desk working.  I’ve seen it happen.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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