More News, Rumors and Opinions Friday PM 5-3-2024

Excerpt from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 3 May 2024

Compiled Fri. 3 May 2024 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

The Forex Market, Ariel:

The Zim 2008-2009 printed Trillions [and Billion] Series aren’t FIAT money, they’re “Promissory Notes”.

Each and every note says “Promise to pay the bearer on demand” [as seen above]. Therefore it is illegal in every country per UCC Law [Uniform Commercial Code] not to honor.”

This means once Zimbabwe reinstate their new currency on the Forex Market, you will be able to redeem them at the new value.

Same for Iraqi Dinar.

Same for Vietnamese Dong.

You cannot do anything with either currency until they are officially on the Forex.

What country just announced they are ready to intervene into the Forex? Vietnam.

What country also announced they are preparing to reintegration back on the Forex Market? Zimbabwe.

This is where the rubber meets the road for all of us. So please understand this basic point of this entire process. Any demonitized paper currency in their country is to pave the way for new redesigned currency with better security features and a new modern application for new value added for the citizens in that particular country.

Participating in the global forex market would allow for increased liquidity of the Zimbabwean dollar, making it easier for individuals and businesses to buy and sell the currency.

A gold-backed currency could help stabilize the value of the Zimbabwean dollar, especially if the country maintains sufficient gold reserves and manages its monetary policy effectively. This stability could be further enhanced by participation in the forex market.

A more stable and globally traded currency could make Zimbabwe a more attractive destination for foreign investment, which could help stimulate economic growth and development.

Rejoining the forex market would make it easier for Zimbabwean businesses to engage in international trade, as they would have access to a more widely accepted currency for transactions.

Participating in the global forex market would require Zimbabwe to adhere to international standards and best practices, which could help improve transparency and accountability in the country’s financial system.

By having a presence in the forex market, Zimbabwe could potentially gain better access to global financial markets, making it easier to borrow funds and access other financial resources.

This goes for all countries rejoining the foreign exchange markets with new gold backed currency.

Read full post here


Courtesy of Dinar Guru:

Militia Man  Article quote:  "The dangers of the exchange rate fluctuations in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met..."  This is a topic that's been out there...fixed exchange rates...They're talking about a new exchange rate...fixed exchange rate or floating exchange rate.  They're talking about it for one reason, because a new exchange rate is coming...A. Are they going to float the currency?  B.  Are they going to peg it to a currency or a basket of currency and fix it?...

Frank26   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:  Saleh is on the television right now...saying that the parallel market is almost at the official exchange rate and that is the rate they're seeking.  He calls on a floatation of the dinar saying to us this will get the rate where it needs to be.  FRANK:  Oh my goodness it doesn't get any better than that...This is a deeper explanation to you Iraqi citizens on the next steps of the monetary reform the CBI is accomplishing with you.  All of this was the result of the agreement from the CBI meeting at the US Treasury...

URGENT NEWS Old News Yet Urgent CBI Meeting

Edu Matrix:  5-3-2024

In March the CBI had a meeting w/the Finance Minister. Stay Until the End Read the Silent Message

LIVE! Are ATM's Running Out Of Cash? IS SOMETHING BIG ABOUT TO GO DOWN? Let's Talk...

Greg Mannarino:  5-3-2024


KTFA Fri. Night CC: FRANK26….5-3-24….EXCHANGE RATE


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